Unplanned Interruption to Water Supply - Ararat
Near intersection: Western Highway and Pyrenees Highway, Ararat
Starting: 12.25 pm, 24 January 2025
Unplanned interruption
Reason: Unplanned Interruption
Emergency works to repair water supply infrastructure near the Western Highway and Pyrenees Highway intersection, Ararat is in progress.
Traffic management is in place.
We ask drivers observe traffic management and slow down in the area.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Please call us on 1800 188 586 if you would like more information or to report any service difficulties or faults at any time.
Grampians Bushfire Response
Grampians Region
Starting: 23 December 2024
Unplanned interruption
Reason: Bushfire response
GWMWater has been working with the Incident Control Centre to monitor and manage impacts of the Grampians bushfires on our infrastructure and water supplies.
To date, no urban water supplies have been impacted – water in Halls Gap, Moyston, Pomonal and Willaura is safe to use as normal.
Some rural customers have experienced low pressure or no water, due to a power outage at the Willaura storage as a result of the bushfire burning through the area. These water supplies have now been restored.
If customers in the area experience any changes to water quality or water pressure, please contact us on 1800 188 586.
Ararat Standpipe - Out Of Service
Ararat Standpipe - Maude Street
Starting: 6 February 2025
Finishing: 5 pm, 14 February 2025
Unplanned interruption
Reason: Out of Order
This standpipe is temporarily out of service.
For other standpipe locations please visit https://www.gwmwater.org.au/connecting-services/emergency-water-and-standpipes/emergency-water-supply-points
To view other swipe tag standpipe locations please visit https://www.gwmwater.org.au/connecting-services/emergency-water-and-standpipes/apply-for-standpipe-access-and-locations
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Moyston Standpipe - Out Of Service
Moyston Standpipe - Presbyterian Church Road
Starting: 9.30 am, 30 January 2025
Finishing: 14 February 2025
Unplanned interruption
Reason: Out of Order
This standpipe is out of service until further notice.
For other standpipe locations please visit https://www.gwmwater.org.au/connecting-services/emergency-water-and-standpipes/emergency-water-supply-points
To view other swipe tag standpipe locations please visit https://www.gwmwater.org.au/connecting-services/emergency-water-and-standpipes/apply-for-standpipe-access-and-locations
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Westmere Standpipe - Out of service
Starting: 2 pm, 15 March 2023
Unplanned interruption
Reason: Out of Order
This standpipe is out of service until further notice.
For other standpipe locations please visit https://www.gwmwater.org.au/connecting-services/emergency-water-and-standpipes/emergency-water-supply-points
To view other swipe tag standpipe locations please visit https://www.gwmwater.org.au/connecting-services/emergency-water-and-standpipes/apply-for-standpipe-access-and-locations
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Blue Green Algae Warning - Lake Lonsdale
Lake Lonsdale
Starting: 23 January 2025
Reason: Blue-Green Algae
Regular testing has detected levels of blue-green algae above levels considered safe for recreation use at Lake Lonsdale.
We warn the public to avoid direct contact with the water. People may still boat, sightsee and enjoy other activities at the lake that do not involve direct water contact.
Warning signs have been positioned at major recreational areas around the lake and will remain in place while the warning is current.
Green Lake, Horsham - Blue-green algae warning
Green Lake, Horsham
Starting: 9.30 am, 28 March 2024
Reason: Blue-Green Algae
Regular testing has detected levels of blue-green algae above levels considered safe for recreation use at Green Lake, Horsham.
We warn the public to avoid direct contact with the water. People may still boat, sightsee and enjoy other activities at the lake that do not involve direct water contact.
Warning signs have been positioned at major recreational areas around the lake and will remain in place while the warning is current.