For assistance in making a credit card payment, please contact GWMWater on 1300 659 961 during business hours.
Please note, this payment is for applications only.
If you would like to make a payment for your water account, please refer to the payment options on the back of your paper bill.
About recycled water
Recycled water is treated wastewater available for reuse from our wastewater treatment plants. It's an important resource for GWMWater and the region. It has many benefits, such as:
- helping to maintain community resources such as sports ovals, race courses and golf courses
- encouraging regional growth by supporting community recreational spaces and local industry, such as vineyards
- reducing the need for drinking water or raw water in irrigation
- providing potable water substitution options
- reducing environmental impacts from traditional river discharges
Ten of our 28 wastewater treatment plants are currently supplying recycled water across the region to participating customers.
Recycled water treatment
Our recycled water is treated to meet fit for purpose requirements according to EPA Victoria's guidelines. Under the guidelines, this water is used for:
- urban areas that have restricted public access during irrigation
- agricultural uses for vineyards
- agricultural uses for grazing or as fodder for livestock
- industrial uses for systems with no potential worker exposure
Recycled water is often stored in the winter and then used during the dry summer and autumn months when other water sources are scarce.
Recycled water in the news
A Greening St Arnaud project will provide recycled water for the town’s parks and gardens.
Northern Grampians Shire Council, in partnership with GWMWater, has completed the project at Goldfields Reservoir.
Northern Grampians Shire Council in partnership with GWMWater, have completed a recycled water project at Goldfields Reservoir, St Arnaud. The project called Greening St Arnaud, will see the reservoir continually topped up with recycled water during the winter period and used as a water supply for the town’s parks and gardens.
Read the full article from Northern Grampians Shire Council here
The Federal Government has confirmed it will join the State Government in funding a Horsham Agriculture Smartwater and Integrated Water Management Project.
Each tier of government will provide $4.57-million for a redevelopment that will open the door for a major supply boost of high-quality irrigation water.
July 2024 recycled water reports
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View 2024/25 recycled water reports
View 2023/24 recycled water reports
View 2022/23 recycled water reports
View 2021/22 recycled water reports
View 2020/21 recycled water reports
View 2019/20 recycled water reports
View 2018/19 recycled water reports
View 2017/18 recycled water reports
View 2016/17 recycled water reports
View 2015/16 recycled water reports
Interested in recycled water for your property?
GWMWater currently services a number of towns in the region with recycled water, but there are limitations to our supply capabilities. If you're interested in recycled water for your business or organisation, contact us to find out more.
What is a fire service?
A fire service is a privately owned asset that provides direct access to the water network installed for extinguishing fires.
Applications to install and connect a fire service can be made to GWMWater. See Connect to an urban water main.
GWMWater will approve of the meter assembly, backflow prevention and connection to the water network.
You will also need approval from a relevant building surveyor. A building surveyor is responsible for issuing an Occupancy Permit specifying the Essential Safety Measures under the Building Code of Australia.
Your building and fire engineering consultants will need to make sure the fire service is designed and constructed in accordance with the relevant Australian Standards and the Building Code of Australia for approval by a relevant building surveyor.
Fire service design is a regulated activity in Victoria. Ensure your fire service is designed by a registered fire safety engineer.
For more information see Essential Safety Measures - Responsibilities Framework.
Fire service valves and fittings
GWMWater supply the meters (at the owner’s cost) and a licensed plumber installs the appropriate fire service valves, fittings and meters in accordance with GWMWater requirements and conditions of connection, the relevant Australian Standards, and the Building Code of Australia.
The fire service meter and backflow prevention device cannot be installed in a pit and must be installed 0.3m - 2.0m within the property, or common property, boundary fronting the GWMWater main.
Standard Drawings:
- R2022-29583 - Drawing 20 - Minimum Clearance for Private Fire Service Assemblies
- R2022-29582 - Private Fire Service Tapping Configurations - Typical Arrangement
- R2022-29579 Drawing 14 - 100 mm Booster Connection Around Metered Private Fire Service - Low Hazard
- R2022-29578 Drawing 10 - 80+ Private Fire Service - Medium Hazard - Typical Arrangement
- R2022-29575 Drawing 9 - 80 mm+ Private Fire Service - Low Hazard - Typical Arrangement
Maintenance and repair of fire services - who is responsible?
It is the property owner's responsibility to maintain fire services. Tenants may also be legally obligated to maintain the fire service as indicated in their insurance policy.
The property owner is responsible for maintenance and repair of piping into the property from the outlet of the sluice valve, including the bolts/nuts/gasket connecting the pipe to the sluice valve.
This includes works within a road reserve and within the property, and all costs associated with and/or resulting from a leak.
The current plumbing regulations require a registered plumber to carry out all repair work to fire services.
If the leak becomes dangerous or poses a health hazard, after due notification GWMWater may shut off or restrict your water supply. The restriction may also affect your domestic supply. This action is taken to help conserve water, protect water quality and for safety reasons.
GWMWater is responsible for maintenance of the water main, the branch connection and the stop/sluice valve and associated surface fittings, as shown in Private Fire Service Tapping Configurations Typical Arrangement (R2022-29582).
Where there is a noticeable change in the water supply pressure, or if supply ceases without notice, please contact us on 1800 188 586.
Testing a fire service
Owners must test their fire services periodically in accordance with Australian Standard AS1851 Maintenance of Fire Protection Systems and Equipment.
A fire protection service company should conduct this test to ensure that it is in correct working order.
Other than in a fire, testing is the only time water should be used through the fire service.
Testing can disrupt network operations. Notify GWMWater at least 5 business days before any testing by contacting
During testing, care should be taken to conserve water where possible. Consumption of water other than firefighting purposes is billed.
Modify or abandon a fire service
Should the fire service connection require upsizing or removal, an application can be submitted for approval to GWMWater.
An application form and further servicing information is available on the GWMWater website.
If the fire service is no longer required, it must be disconnected at the water main.
Why a fire service must not be used as a supplementary water supply
Unless written approval has been granted, it is a breach of GWMWater's conditions of connection and contrary to Australian Standard AS2419 - 2021 Fire Hydrant Installations to use water from fire services for purposes other than firefighting.
Failure to comply will result in a Notice of Contravention being issued.
Misuse of the fire service can result in you becoming liable for:
- contamination of the drinking water supply
- significant loss of water pressure in the system needed to fight a fire
- significant loss of water pressure for surrounding properties within a supply zone
- water quality issues: the quality of water may become poor and discoloured.
GWMWater is on track to reach net-zero by 2035.
Net-zero is the balance between the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced and the amount removed from the atmosphere, therefore ‘zero-ing’ each other out.
To help us achieve net-zero, we will source 100% of our electricity from renewable sources by 2025. Electricity is an important part of maintaining our water and sewer services across our vast service region. We use electricity for things like operating water pump stations, water treatment processes and running our offices. Finding ways we can invest in renewable energy is a key step on our path to net-zero.
We make sure our energy investments are cost-neutral so the money we spend does not increase customer water bills.
Our current key initiatives are to:
• Construct the Nhill Renewable Energy Facility. Read more about the project here.
• Complete the Donald community energy feasibility assessment.
• Continue implementing behind-the-meter solar generation and battery storage. So far, we have installed 2.3 MW of solar across 59 of our offices, pump stations and treatment facilities.
• Investigate tree planting as an option to offset our greenhouse gas emissions, as well as purchasing carbon offsets from the market.
• Develop a plan to move to a zero-emissions vehicle fleet.
Our current greenhouse gas emissions (as of 2023/2024):
1. 75% from grid electricity use (Scope 2 emissions**)
2. 19% from wastewater fugitive emissions (Scope 1 emissions*)
3. 6% from fleet emissions (Scope 1 emissions)
*Scope 1 emissions are greenhouse gas emissions that occur from sources that are directly controlled/owned by GWMWater. For example, natural processes that occur during the treatment of wastewater, as well as our fleet vehicles, are Scope 1 emissions.
**Scope 2 emissions are emissions that occur indirectly due to GWMWater’s purchase of electricity from the grid.
For more information:
GWMWater Clean Energy Strategy (3.49 MB)
This form must accompany any infrastructure design drawings to be reviewed by GWMWater as required for approval to undertake developer works.
Please note that this application is subject to an engineering plan checking fee equal to 0.75% of the estimated cost of works to be gifted to GWMWater.
For fields not applicable please write 'N/A'.
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