Picture: Lake Fyans

Inflow scenarios are presented as “Probability of Exceedence” (PoE). This is the probability that the inflow will be equalled or exceeded, based on historic record.


For the purpose of this outlook:

  • Drought inflows are those which historically would have been exceeded in 95 out of 100 years
  • Very Dry inflows are those which historically would have been exceeded in 90 out of 100 years
  • Dry inflows are those which historically would have been exceeded in 75 out of 100 years
  • Average inflows are those which historically would have been exceeded in 50 out of 100 years
  • Wet inflows are those which historically would have been exceeded in 25 out of 100 years


Download the latest Outlook Summary here:

Adobe PDF file icon 24x24 02. Allocation Outlook for September 2023 to December 2023